How to Build a Healthy Relationship with Food: Tips for Balanced Eating

Do you have a healthy relationship with food?

With numerous people giving advice on what to eat, it’s so much easier to just avoid a particular food or food group and label it as black or white, either good or bad. If you see yourself obsessing on categorizing food items as permitted or not permitted to eat, you are not alone.

Having a rigid definition of what you should eat, forge a lousy relationship with food. In fact, many of us, especially those who wanted to stay thin, already have a terrible relationship with food without even knowing it. We have been rigid on picking the right food to eat instead of looking at it as fuel for a full and energetic life.

Looking at food differently could better your everyday sports and non-sport performance. Eating food you once avoided will get you more nutrients your body needs.

You should know that no single food can provide all the nutrients necessary in life. Avoiding certain food items, without any medical or health reason, may not just affect your enjoyment in eating but also your health and disposition on a diet.

Eating should be one of the enjoyable activities in everyone’s life. If you keep on telling yourself to avoid foods you actually love, you will begin to think of eating as a burden or nuisance. The ending? After achieving your weight goal, you tend to turn back to your eating habits and gain weight more than you lose.

Building a healthy relationship on food gives you the power to be attuned to your body’s hunger and satiety. Eat when you are hungry and stop when you are not without the feeling of remorse and guilt. 

What you need is a balanced diet. It may sound cliché and get tossed around a lot. However, a balanced diet is a part of having a good relationship with food. A balanced diet means to be comfortable in consuming a wide variety of food coming from all food groups with moderation.

Of course, we prefer foods low in fats and added sugar food items as it’s easier to balance in one’s diet. Along with avoiding foods with trans-fat. A big No-No in health and nutrition. But other than that, you can basically eat anything you want provided that it will not be a danger to your health. You can even have dessert!

So the next time you see a dessert, stop worrying about whether it can make you fat by giving you too much sugar. See it as a part of your balanced diet. See it as a food that can provide you with fiber, vitamins and minerals, and energy.

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