With a new year, there comes new (hopefully not false) promises! Well, you’re probably thinking that they’re just going to be another set of failed goals, but not this year! This is going to be your year, and we’re here to make sure that happens. Here’s what you need to do to make sure you accomplish your New Year’s Resolution.
Make Them Specific
Whether you’re making a New Year’s Resolution or a business plan, you always have to make your goals specific and measurable. Make a vague and obscure goal, and you’re more likely to shrug it off and not take it seriously. NY Times says that resolutions like these are more likely to fail because they aren’t concrete enough. You say you want to lose weight? How much weight are we talking about? If you don’t have a specific number in mind, then you’ll never know when you’ve actually accomplished anything.
Create a Plan
Now that you’ve sorted out what exactly it is you want to happen, it’s time to make a game plan. Obviously, you’re not just going to set a goal with no way of achieving it. Inspiration has to be coupled with real, conscious actions that take you a step closer. Experts told Self that if you have to spend every morning trying to figure out your next move, you’re probably going to end up not doing anything because you just don’t feel like it. Think about last year, how many times have you said ‘I’ll start tomorrow’ when it’s about diet or exercise.
Take Small Steps
The problem with people making New Year’s Resolutions is that they want results right away. When they don’t see any changes, they get discouraged and give up. What you should do is create milestones to slowly work your way up to the big goals. Checking out each small goal would make you realize that you’re actually making progress, even if it’s little by little. You’ll end up feeling more accomplished in the long-run.
Track Your Progress
One way to gauge how effective your plans are working is to keep track of them. Lifehack notes that keeping track helps you distinguish which parts are working and which are more effective in achieving your goal. This goes hand-in-hand with creating a plan because it shows that you’re not just winging it.
Tell People About It
Accountability has to be one of the hardest things about keeping a New Year’s Resolution. When you’re keeping your goals to yourself, you’re less likely to take responsibility for your actions (or inactions). Thankfully, you don’t have to do it alone. A psychology professor told Women’s Health Magazine that telling a lot of people and posting in social media is a good way to keep you on track because you’re aware of the people keeping tabs on you. It’s either they’ll call you out on it or you’ll just feel conscious of them.
Find a Support
Are your own ‘friends’ and family the ones putting you down? Well, it’s time to cut that toxicity from your life. Don’t let these people sabotage your goals. Find a new crowd who understands you and would help you achieve your goals. If your goal is to eat healthy, surrounding yourself with people who mock you and shove junk food in your face would just tempt you more. You can always find a community online if there’s no one in your immediate surroundings that get it.
Reward Small Successes
Don’t ever forget to celebrate the little things you do. You’ve earned them after all! When you’ve already achieved some of your small goals, motivate yourself to your next goal by giving yourself a reward. Business Insider said that people are more likely to stick to their plans if they’re being rewarded for new habits. Be wary what kind of rewards you give yourself, though! If the goal is to lose weight to eat healthy, don’t reward yourself by binge eating or a week-long cheat meal. Maybe a donut or a few extra calories could work.
Be Patient
Change doesn’t happen overnight, and that applies to every kind of resolution whether it’s health, weight, or money-related. You’re not doing yourself any favors if you’re rushing through your meal plans or workouts. It’s all about building a habit and a lifestyle you can maintain. Even mainstream media believes that it takes at least 21 days to form a habit. Though, research says that it can actually take anywhere from 18 days to 8 months.
It doesn’t take miracles or divine intervention to succeed in your goals! It just takes a little tinkering to make sure you stay consistent and accountable for your actions. Remember that it’s less about the end results and more about the journey leading up to it.
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