Pickle Insights

How This Chef Lost Over 100 Pounds Without Giving Up Carbs

For aspiring chefs, it’s only natural that eating was part of the job. But to Joseph Viel, that uncontrolled eating would be the very thing that keeps him from his dreams.

A lot of people turn to fad diets for easy weight loss, so Joseph himself decided to try out the Ketogenic diet. Well, you can imagine how well an Italian chef going low carbs went. But with the help of some close friends and experts, he found a way to eat healthy without having to sacrifice his cultural background.

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Eating and Stress: How to Handle Emotional Eating During a Pandemic

With all the uncertainties brought by the coronavirus pandemic, it is hard to focus on tasks. Planning on what to eat becomes your wits’ end that was once a piece of cake. The feeling is very overwhelming that we all have to deal with stress. In the past, foods are relatively accessible. You can quickly go to markets with the help of public transportations, and it is more manageable with stable income. Now, there are many barriers to easy food buying, and I know you experience many than few. No doubt that eating healthy during this time is uniquely challenging.

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Easy and Effective Food Safety Tips for Your Home

Food safety is not a popular topic compared to calorie monitoring. People are more concerned about making a well-balanced meal or on what food will make them better in sports performance. However, food safety is as important as the topics mentioned above. Safe food preparation is the foundation of a healthy meal. The nutrients you opt to consume from food will be put to waste if you cannot eat the meal due to food safety concerns. Rotten or bad food shows that the nutrients are already lost. Thus, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration recommends these easy ways to ensure that the food you prepare is safe for consumption.

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How Eating Healthy Can Help Save the Planet: Your Diet’s Impact on Sustainability

It is very easy to understand that our planet’s environmental state affects the type and source of ourfood. The more we do not take care of our planet, the less food that we can produce and consume. But, have you considered that the food you eat affects the world’s resources management? Think about this, if we opt to produce more beef for consumption, more resources are needed to produce this food item. It takes more grains, water, and land to produce a pound of meat than it does to produce the same amount of calories from grains and plant-based food. Aside from this, animals belch out carbon dioxide while plant-based food items help in cleaning out our air. A new perspective, right?

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Simple Stretching Exercises for Better Flexibility and Mobility Anywhere

The month of July is all about health and nutrition. This year’s theme: promotion of physical activity. Of course promotion physical activity is not just a one month thing. Physical activity should be a daily routine for an individual. Engaging in physical activity is one of the best gifts that you can give to your body. But, is there something lacking in your exercise routine?

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How to Boost Your Immune System: Simple Lifestyle Changes That Work

Rainy season is here! Rain is a mixed blessing when it comes to our health. Positive ones are related to the country’s food supply, while the negative is associated with cold- and flu-related illnesses.

We cannot stay-away from the rain forever, thus the best way to combat these diseases is to boost your immunity. Immunity or the capability to resist infections or toxins is one of our innate abilities as human beings. Our bodies are capable (and are doing a great job!) of protecting ourselves from harmful organisms or substances that can cause diseases.

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5 Healthy Snacking Tips for Better Nutrition and Wellness

Making wise snack choices is part of maintaining balanced, and healthy meals. Snack is very important in controlling you mid-morning or -afternoon hunger pangs. Some even think that skipping snacks can make them lose weight. Well, this strategy may work for others, but for some people (like me) this may be torture. Feeling hungry at certain times will keep you unfocused and irritated.

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Top Nutrition Myths Debunked: What You Need to Know (Part 1)

7 Common Nutrition Myths You Should Stop Believing

They say this is the best time to be alive—advanced technology and unlimited information make it easier than ever to learn new things. But with so much information at your fingertips, it can be hard to separate fact from fiction, especially when it comes to nutrition. In this article, we’ll debunk 7 persistent nutrition myths that just won’t go away.

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Struggling to Fall Asleep? Here’s How to Stop Tossing and Turning

Today, a good night’s sleep is used as a vital sign of health by medical professionals. Sleeping is one of the activities we are looking forward everyday as this, same as food, energize us for our planned activities. We spend almost one-third of our lives asleep. Yet, others may not have this luxury. Some people have thought of taking medications to help them sleep, but these drugs have side effects. There are other ways to help you sleep better.

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Achieve Clear, Healthy Skin with a Happy Gut!

Every one of us wants clearer, acne-free skin! Who doesn’t? Regardless of our skin color, blemish-free skin can boost our self-confidence. However, most of the good skin regimes needs a good fortune. And some people who tried and tested these many anti-acne products, may still be wondering why are these not working for them? The problem may not be your skin, it may be your gut! And the answer to your skin problems may just be sitting inside your fridge!

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Safe Exercise Tips for Managing Diabetes

When you are diagnosed with diabetes mellitus, being physically active is one of the best things that you can do to your health. Decreasing overall sedentary lifestyle is one of the keys in managing diabetes mellitus. Exercise poses several health benefits particularly improving insulin sensitivity, promoting energy expenditure, building muscle, and being fit. Yet despite its scientifically accepted truth on keeping your sugar under control, many people are reluctant to engage in exercise.

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How to Strengthen Your Bones and Prevent Fractures

Our bones are living tissue. They develop, grow, and have the ability to repair itself during injury. We are born with 300 bones, and as we grow old these bones become harder and fuse together, leaving the adult skeleton with 206 bones. Our bones are responsible for structural support and protection of vital organs. It also provides spaces where blood cells are produced and where minerals are stored. The ability of our bones to withstand stress is due to its protein framework made from collagen, and to its hard matrix made from calcium phosphate.

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Breaking The Code of Nutrition Facts

Do you know that packaging goes beyond the aesthetic function of showcasing a food product? It contains very important information that will help us to develop good eating habits to keep us healthy. Part of food packaging is the nutrition facts. Nutrition facts are the tabular figure normally found at the back of food packaging, indicating the number of calories, carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and micronutrients in a food product. With this numerous information, consumers often ignore these very small, yet very powerful nutrition education tool.

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Protect Your Heart and Prevent Heart Disease

It’s February, and you know what that means? Valentines day is here! It’s that time of year where people pour their heart out for their special someone. However, not everyone’s so lucky to find their “forever” and some of us experience heartaches. Not to worry though, we’ll help you prevent getting heartaches but not that kind of heartache. We’re talking about heart disease. In this article, we’ll be giving tips on how to keep your heart healthy and strong, so you won’t be heartbroken, medically speaking.

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How to Cleanse and Detox Your Body for Better Health

With the start of a new year, people are craving to change or to remove something in their lives. No wonder Marie Kondo’s series in Netflix about tidying adventures is a hit to a lot of people. Diet is no different. Losing weight and resetting the body is one of the many new year resolutions and one way to do this is to cleanse.

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What’s The Best Weight Loss Meal Plan

Take every stereotype you have about dieting and throw it out the window!

It’s hard to keep up with health and fitness trends with the many fad diets popping up each day. There’s keto diet, all-water diets, high this, and low that. It can all be pretty overwhelming, and you definitely don’t want to be fooled into any gimmicks.

So, is it possible to figure out the best weight loss meal plan among all the available options? Does a universally perfect diet even exist? Everyone seems to have their own version of a ‘the best diet’, but could there be a singular plan that fits all? One thing’s for sure: the best diet is the one you can consistently keep and sustain in the long-run. And by considering individual factors that’s unique to you, you’ll be better equipped to pick a plan that’s truly sustainable. But don’t worry! We’re here to help you out. Here’s what you should be looking out for when trying out a new diet or meal plan:

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Stop Obsessing Over the Scale: 5 Better Ways to Track Your Fat Loss

Are you getting frustrated with the progress of your fitness loss? Well, it’s time to ditch the weighing scale because that thing isn’t telling you the whole story. A lot of people tend to focus too much on losing weight when they should really start focusing on losing fat. If the goal is fitness and health, then you should aim for lowering your overall body fat percentage, and that’s something the weighing scale won’t help you with. Here are some better alternatives to that outdated device.

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The Secret to Achieving Your New Year’s Resolution Goals

With a new year, there comes new (hopefully not false) promises! Well, you’re probably thinking that they’re just going to be another set of failed goals, but not this year! This is going to be your year, and we’re here to make sure that happens. Here’s what you need to do to make sure you accomplish your New Year’s Resolution.

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